
We mainly address the following three fields of business; Fossil Energy, Renewable Energy, and Environmental protection. As the business based on the production and transportation of oil & gas will not cease in the foreseen future, and while it involves many hazards to the healthy and clean environment, we support all types of business that reduce those hazards and that improve more environmentally friendly arrangements in the production processes.

Oil & Gas

Many technologies have been significantly improved in the last few decades that reduced the leakage, spill, and explosion incidents all over the world. One of the most important arrangements is the proactive inspection of wells, pipelines, plants, tanks and carries. Non Destructive Testing is one of the widely used inspection techniques that has been under continuous and considerable development over the last 40 years. Big inspection companies are putting high efforts and budgets to achieve more reliable and deeper detection of flaws and suspected sources of hazards.

Finding such projects for developing and implementing advanced inspection technologies, that need to be financed jointly by both the inspection and construction or end user firms is one of our roles. Locating and conducting such opportunities to one or more of the above three parties is an essential part of our services.

Renewable Energy;

The global efforts to reduce the fossil fuel emissions that polluted and deformed the ancient ecological echo system of the planet need to be supported by all possible means. All the stemming types of energy cultivation from clean sources are now good resources of profitable business. In addition to solar power plants, wind mills, bioenergy, hydropower, geothermal and many others are also good resources of clean renewable energy. The landscaping, design, construction, maintenance, networks, and distribution are all subject to potential business projects that need marketing, coordination and management. Leeds Industrial Inc., works on researching and locating such leads, delivering them to the relevant parties and associating with them in keeping the momentum of such mission on the appropriate track.


As an extension of the above two fields, environment protection endeavors should be the main frame for all the industrial development research programs and campaigns. Budgets assigned for such efforts by the giant international institutions are nondepleting source for financing plenty of projects. Picking and fulfilling these projects and helping making the appropriate nominations / proposals to the right parties, will be a giant contribution towards having these resources invested effectively and morally.
Leeds Industrial Inc., tracks all the possible leads in this regard and have them available and /or directed to the parties of interest for consultation, discussion, research and evaluation. Some open conferences may be organized in public or in private to help all the relevant parties that want to be part of this process be aware and reach faster to the actual and effective participation.
“Business in technology” will always remain the main slogan of our activities, putting that all at the disposal of saving the planet and contributing in a better life for humanity.